Vladimir Putin experiences cardiac arrest, which causes a huge alarm in the inner circle of the Kremlin.
Vladimir Putin experiences cardiac arrest, which causes a huge alarm in the inner circle of the Kremlin.

On Sunday night, Vladimir Putin allegedly had a “cardiac arrest” at his own Moscow residence.

The Russian president was discovered by guards “lying on the floor, rolling his eyes” in the bedroom, according to a Telegram channel purportedly maintained by a former Kremlin insider.

According to reports, medical personnel were sent right away, and they subsequently determined that the 71-year-old had experienced a “cardiac arrest.”

The source claimed that Putin was subsequently transferred to a unique medical facility constructed within the flat where he received critical treatment.

The unconfirmed story follows ongoing concern about Putin’s health amid rumors of a long-concealed medical problem.

Russian President Putin visits headquarters of the defense force in Rostov-on-Don
Russian President Putin visits headquarters of the defense force in Rostov-on-Don.

Security officials of Russian President Vladimir Putin who were on duty at the mansion heard commotion and noises of falling coming from the president’s bedroom, according to a post on the Telegram channel General SVR, which is apparently operated by a retired Russian lieutenant-general.Putin was laying on the floor close to the bed when two security personnel entered the president’s bedroom, where they discovered an overturned table with food and beverages.

Putin rolled his eyes while on the ground, convulsively arcing, General SVR continued.

Later, according to reports, medical professionals “resuscitated” Putin after they “previously determined that the president was in cardiac arrest.”

It is stated that the purported heart attack, which has not yet been officially verified, gravely alarmed Putin’s close circle.

General SVR routinely asserts that Putin substituted body doubles for the Russian president during public appearances and overseas trips.

According to SVR, Kremlin officials allegedly utilized a doppelganger during their recent trip to China when they met with Xi Jinping.

The alleged body duplicate allegedly had a face problem, however.

General SVR noted that: “The fault is again with the double’s ‘floating’ cheekbones, which do not stay in place and move in different directions.”The duplicate’s cheekbones were originally less expressive, but after cosmetic surgery, they were “enlarged” and modified to resemble Putin’s cheekbones. “But it was impossible to make sure they stayed stationary in the right places,” the actor said.

Although recent Japanese AI research and several media stories have sparked suspicion about Putin’s probable employment of body doubles for public appearances, General SVR’s allegations have not been independently confirmed.

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