Top 10 richest city in the world.
Top 10 richest city in the world.© Images AGN

A new study says that this city in the U.S. is the richest in the world. Tokyo, London, and Hong Kong come in second, third, and fourth, respectively.

Henley & Partners did a study that looked at how many people with high net worth lived in each place. They found that New York place had the most millionaires per capita. There are 340,000 millionaires who live in New York as a whole.

“Residence by investment gives you the right to live, work, study, and invest in leading international wealth hubs like New York, London, Singapore, Sydney, and Hong Kong,” said the CEO of Henley & Partners, Juerg Steffen, in a statement. “Being able to move yourself, your family, or your business to a better city or having the choice between multiple homes around the world is becoming a more important part of planning for private clients’ international wealth and legacy.”

After New York, Tokyo was the second-wealthiest city with 290,300 millionaires. The Bay Area in California had the most millionaires with 285,000, followed by London with 258,000 and Singapore with 240,100. Los Angeles was sixth on the list with 205,400 millionaires, and Chicago was eleventh with 124,000 millionaires.

When it came to very rich people (billionaires), the Bay Area had the most, with 63. New York was second, with 58, and Beijing was third, with 43.

But just because a city is pricey doesn’t mean you can’t find deals and do things that won’t break the bank. In New York, for example, there are cheap hotels and free things to do, like taking the Staten Island Ferry and watching birds in Central Park. You can also walk across the Brooklyn Bridge and rest on one of the city’s public beaches for free.

And in San Francisco, visitors can walk or ride their bikes across the famous Golden Gate Bridge, have a lunch in Alamo Square Park (made famous by the TV show “Full House”), and see the Mission Murals for free or very little money.

This is a list of the top 10 places in the world with the most millionaires and how many millionaires live there.

  1. New York City — 340,000
  2. Tokyo — 290,300
  3. The Bay Area — 285,000
  4. London — 258,000
  5. Singapore — 240,100
  6. Los Angeles — 205,400
  7. Hong Kong — 129,500
  8. Beijing — 128,200
  9. Shanghai — 127,200
  10. Sydney — 126,900

Read the original article on Travel & Leisure

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