The biggest snakes in the world, like this one, live in Texas because it has so many different kinds of snakes. This snake grabs its food by using its weight. Stay cool and carefully avoid snakes, even if they bite.

There are 105 different kinds of snakes in Texas. It is thought to have the most snake species of any state in the US. Many of the snakes in Texas are unique in different ways. Copperheads in Texas, like the southern copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix contortrix), the broad-banded copperhead (Agkistrodon laticinctus), and the Trans-Pecos copperhead (Agkistrodon Pictigaster), often freeze when they are seen to avoid being seen.
Another Texas snake is the rat snake, which shakes its tail like a poisonous rattlesnake to make people think it is more dangerous than it really is. But one species of snake in Texas is well-known for a unique reason: it is so long that it is crazy. Let’s go diving to find the biggest snake that has ever been found in Texas.
What is the biggest snake that has ever been found in Texas?

Multiple sources say that an 8.5-foot Texas indigo snake was the biggest snake ever found in Texas. This record didn’t give out a lot of information. But if you look at how long the average Texas indigo snake is, you can believe the claim.
Texas Indigo Snake (Drymarchon melanurus erebennus)

Drymarchon melanurus erebennus snakes are native to both Texas and Mexico. They are snakes that have shed and grow to be between 5 1/2 and 6 1/2 feet long. In general, it is safe to say that they are long snakes. Since they hunt during the day, Texas indigo snakes are called diurnal predators.
Most snakes kill by poison or by squeezing their prey, but indigo snakes don’t. During the day, they look for food and kill it by getting too strong for it. They do this by grabbing their prey with their strong jaws and biting down on it until it is too weak to fight back. People have seen Texas indigo snakes go after animals that are a lot bigger than they are. They don’t have picky eating habits either. They eat amphibians, reptiles, small mammals, and even poisonous snakes. Mice, toads, and young snapping turtles were once found in the stomach of a dead indigo snake.
Female Texas indigo snakes can have up to 12 babies at once, but sometimes they only have three. During the winter and early spring, they lay their eggs about a month after they mate. Indigo snake mothers are very particular about where they lay their eggs. They look for holes in the ground where they can lay their eggs. Indigo snake babies are usually between 14 and 18 inches long, but sometimes they can be as long as 24 inches.
How long are the lives of Texas Indigo Snakes?
In the wild, these big snakes can live for up to 9 years. It might come as a surprise, but on average, reptiles live longer than mammals of the same size. Some scientists say that their cells don’t seem to age as much as the cells of other animals.
Are Indigo snakes in Texas poisonous?

Colubrid snakes from Texas are not poisonous. Even so, they attack poisonous snakes, kill them, and eat them. People say that, like ground squirrels, they have built up a resistance to rattlesnake poison. Even though these snakes don’t have poison in their bites, that doesn’t mean they are harmless or defenseless. When they feel threatened, they are known to bite hard.
How to Tell a Texas Indigo Snake From the Rest
The stripes on the back of a Texas indigo snake are mostly black. They usually grow to be about 6 feet (1.8 meters) tall and have pink bellies.
Where in Texas can you find a Texas Indigo Snake?
In the southern part of Texas, grasslands with water are where you can find Texas indigo snakes. They have also been seen in western-central Texas on the Edwards Plateau.
Does Texas have laws to protect the Indigo Snake?
The indigo snake is safe in the state of Texas. This means that no one can hunt them or kill them.
Are Indigo Snakes the Same as Black Racists?
Black racers are long, thin, non-venomous colubrid snakes. They are different from blue snakes. So, their name comes from the fact that racer snakes move much faster than indigo snakes.
Are Indigo Snakes Aggressive?

Even though these snakes aren’t normally aggressive, when they hunt or try to protect themselves, they attack aggressively. They try to stay away from people and can get very violent if they are cornered.
Can Indigo Snakes Be Kept as Pets?
Snake lovers are likely to like these reptiles because they don’t have poison and have beautiful dark scales.
But because they are a protected species, they can only be sold if they were born in a zoo.
Indigo snakes are hard to take care of and need a lot of patience. They also need a big place to live and a steady diet of small rodents like rats and mice.
Indigo snakes also need a change in temperature in their enclosure and clean water to drink.
The cages they live in will also need to be cleaned often.
Indigo snakes may get used to being around people, but they may still bite if they are scared or hungry when they are handled.
Texas has long snakes.
Some snakes in Texas are about the same length as the indigo snake. Let’s take a look:

Since bullsnakes are one of the biggest snakes in the country, it’s not surprising that they’re on this list. They live in the western two-thirds of the state and can grow up to 8 feet tall. They have a pattern of colors that looks like that of a diamondback rattlesnake.
Bullsnakes are a type of gopher snake, which is another name for them. Bullsnakes sometimes wave their tails to look like dangerous diamondback rattlesnakes when they feel threatened. Even though they don’t have poison, they are known to bite aggressively.
Racer snakes with yellow bellies

Snakes with yellow bellies can run up to 3–4 miles per hour. They also have a reputation for being a little bit mean. Even though they don’t have poison, they can still bite really hard if they feel threatened.
How to Deal with a Snake in Texas
If you’re in Texas and you see a snake, the first thing you should do is leave as calmly as you can. You don’t want to startle or scare the snake by moving quickly. What you should do next will depend on where you saw the snake.
If you saw the snake in your house, you should call Texas Pest Control. Remember that snakes, like all other animals, are an important part of the ecosystem and shouldn’t be killed without a good reason. If the snake was seen outside, just stay away and make sure to stay far away.
What You Should Do If a Snake Bites You in Texas
If you get bitten by a snake in Texas, you should leave the area and call 911 right away. Here are some things to do while you wait.
• Don’t try to cut off the part that got bit. An amputation can’t be taken back, and it could even make things worse. Antivenom can be used to treat most snake bites.
• Don’t move around and stay calm. If a poisonous snake bit you, moving around could help the poison spread.
• Don’t try to get the poison out by sucking on it. It could get in your mouth and probably won’t come out completely, making you sick in two ways.
The largest snake ever found was in Texas. This was first posted on AZ Animals.
Snakes: Interesting Facts
- Snakes live in higher areas and further north than lizards. They also changed so that they could lve in a much wider range of environments.
- Ireland, Newfoundland, New Zealand, and many islands in the South Sea do not have snakes.
- Most snakes in Australia are poisonous—about 80% of them are. You need to be careful about where you step under.
- Rattlesnakes can’t hear the rattles sound they make.
- Snakes don’t have to eat as often because they eat big animals and have slow metabolisms. Few snake eat more than once a week, and most snake eat between 8 and 10 times a year. Few individuals species can go without eating for an extended period of time.
- Many types of snakes sometimes or often eat other snakes, usually ones that are much smaller than themselves.
Read More: See a hawk go from a hunter to a victim in a split second after catching a snake
A: There are 68 types of snakes in Texas. Snakes have different ways of catching their food, like earthworms, snails, slugs, frogs, mice, birds, and even other snakes. Less than 15% of the 113 snake species and subspecies have poison.
There are four main groups of snakes: rattlesnakes, cottonmouths, copperheads, and coral snakes. It’s important to remember that snakes are very important to our environment. Most of them are completely safe. They also keep mice and other pests in check and do other very important things for the environment.
A: Texas is home to four of the five snake families in the United States: the Slender Blind Snakes (Leptotyphlopidae), the Advanced Snakes (Colubridae), which are the largest group, Old World Fixed Front Fang Snakes (Elapidae) and New World Pit Vipers (Viperidae), which have movable fangs and are in the Viper Family. Boas (Boidae) don’t live in Texas.
A: As a group, snakes live all over the world, except on Antarctica, Iceland, Ireland, Newfoundland, and New Zealand. Even though there may be more lizard species in the world than snake species, snakes are found in more places, so in most places there are more snakes than lizards. Snakes do the best out of all the different kinds of animals.
A: Snakes are usually quiet and shy. And if you think about it, they don’t do much. Most of them don’t move, and if they do, they don’t go very far. A lot of what they do is based on how they can stay alive within the boundaries and possibilities of ectotherm, or “cold-bloodedness.”
A: Snakes tend to live for a long time. Snakes of any size can live up to 12 years. Large species can live up to or even past the age of 40.
A: When an animal has poison, we say that it is “venomous.” A “poisonous” animal is one that would make you sick if you ate it. Not very many snakes have poison.
So, when people say that these snakes are “poisonous,” they really mean “venomous.”
A: If you want to learn more about snakes, the following books, which were used as sources for this paper, are great places to look for more information. J.L. Behler and F.W. King. 1079. The Audubon Society Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians of North America. A.A. Knopf, New York. J.A. Burton, 1991. The snakes’ book. Crescent Books is in New York. J.T. Collins. Kansas is home to amphibians and reptiles. Lawrence has a Museum of Natural History at the University of Kansas. J.T. Collins, S. Collins. 1993. Cheyenne Bottoms has a lot of amphibians and reptiles. Hearth Publishing is in Hillsboro, KS. H.M. Smith and E.D. Brodie, Jr. A Field Guide to Identifying North American Reptiles. Golden Press, New York. Alan Tennant wrote this book with John E. Werler and Bill Marvel. 1985. A Guide to the Snakes of Texas. Gulf Publishing is in Houston, Texas.
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