This vitamin is very important for keeping your eyes, bones, and skin healthy

Thiamine, or vitamin B1, helps the body turn food into energy and is very important for keeping the brain, nerves, and immune system fit.

Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) B2 is a very important part of turning carbs, fats, and proteins into energy.

B3, also called niacin, is important for keeping skin healthy, helping the brain work, and controlling how cells use energy.

B5 is important for making red blood cells, enzymes, and chemicals that send messages between nerve cells.

B6 helps the body do a lot of important things, like break down amino acids, make neurotransmitters, and make hemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen in the blood.

B12 is important for good nerves, making red blood cells, and keeping your mind sharp.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that keeps your body from getting hurt by free radicals.

Vitamin D is important for healthy bones, and it also keeps the nervous system in good shape.

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that keeps your body from getting hurt by free radicals.

Vitamin K is important for the health of your bones, heart, and blood.

Calcium is an important part of healthy bones and teeth.

Magnesium is important for a healthy heart, muscles that work well, and nerves that work well.

Zinc is needed for the defense system to work, for wounds to heal, and for good growth and development to take place.